1. The 20th Congress of the KKE came to main conclusions with regards to the struggle for the regroupment of the labour–trade union movement and the Party construction in the working class. At the same time, it defined directions and tasks for the following years and scheduled a nationwide conference for the monitoring of the implementation of the Political Resolution. The CC failed to hold the Nationwide Conference on the work in the working class, although the activity of the Party since the 20th Congress has accumulated new data. Thus, the work targeted at the working class and its movement remains an important topic of discussion at the 21st Congress.

The Programme of the KKE stresses that the activity of the Party under non-revolutionary conditions contributes decisively to the preparation of the subjective factor —the Party, the working class and its alliances— for the revolutionary conditions and the realization of its strategic tasks. It is highlighted that the attraction of vanguard sections of the working class and the mobilization of its majority with the KKE will go through various phases. The labour movement, the movements of urban self-employed and of farmers, and the form of expression of their alliance through anti-capitalist and anti-monopoly goals, through the vanguard action of the KKE forces under non-revolutionary conditions constitute the first form of the workers' and people's front in revolutionary conditions.

Several important issues regarding the role of the KKE in the labour and people’s movement were also raised in the Resolution of the 20th Congress . Therefore, the CC concluded to this text that needs to be discussed inside our party and the KNE, undoubtedly in combination with the other two texts that have already been published.

We intend to discuss the new conditions and to identify strengths and subjective weaknesses that need to be addressed, in order to match our action with the demands arising from the needs of the working class and the other popular strata, from the goals we have set.

The first issue we examine is the basic trends in the class structure of Greek society as well as the current condition of the working class, ten years after the outbreak of the previous deep capitalist economic crisis. We examine the working class by analyzing the conditions that were —and are— formed in its work and life, overall the terms of sale of labour power, and the forms of intensification of its exploitation. We identify negative changes and how they affect its unity and joint struggle, the formation of class consciousness, its stance towards bourgeois governments that manage the crisis to the detriment of workers' interests.

The second key issue we examine is the current condition of the labour–trade union movement, the degree of organization of the working class into trade unions and its participation in class struggle. We discuss the conclusions drawn from the struggles and efforts to create vanguard seedbeds of resistance and struggle at workplaces. We highlight the low degree of organization of the working class, which is an all-time low. We identify the objective reasons for people’s difficulty to join the unions as well as our own weaknesses, especially our tasks to change these conditions, to set goals more decisively, in order to achieve, if possible, an impetuous development of organization and participation in trade unions. We discuss the course of PAME as a class-oriented rally of federations, labour centres, and trade unions in the line of struggle towards an anti-capitalist and anti-monopoly direction. At the 20th Congress we concluded that PAME is a great achievement.

The third issue we examine is the elaboration of the experience from the joint action of workers' unions and mass organizations of the lower strata of the urban self-employed and of the farmers, the elaboration of the effort to improve the preconditions for their social alliance. Two nationwide Party conferences on our work within the self-employed and the farmers have already been organized, which provide us with experience and elaborations for the fulfillment of this task of strategic importance for our Party. The working class is the leading force that will create the terms and conditions to forge the social alliance and to attract the allied social forces to increasingly more stable joint action, promoting a corresponding framework of struggle.