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The distrust in the government should turn into an unyielding struggle and joint action with the KKE

Mar 6, 2025

The distrust in the government should turn into an unyielding struggle and joint action with the KKE
The expected motion of no-confidence was tabled in Parliament on ...
Joint struggle of the KKE and the TKP against the US bases and NATO

Mar 6, 2025

Joint struggle of the KKE and the TKP against the US bases and NATO
An interview with the Turkish newspaper "Cumhuriyet" and the ...
The struggle escalates with mass participation in today's nationwide strike

Feb 28, 2025

The struggle escalates with mass participation in today's nationwide strike
The participation of the workers and youth in today’s 24-hour ...
Massive political campaign by the KKE ahead of the general strike

Feb 27, 2025

Massive political campaign by the KKE ahead of the general strike
The KKE has launched a massive political campaign ahead of the ...

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On the Cyprus Issue

Positions and materials of the KKE on the developments around the Cyprus Issue

News 2013

The 35 trade-unionists of PAME were found innocent. The provocation and the fabricated charges were defeated

Dec 24, 2013

The 35 trade-unionists of PAME were found innocent. The provocation and the fabricated charges were defeated
The 35 trade-unionists of PAME , who were tried on 20/12, as in the trial the fabricated charges were completely refuted that had been set up by the government, with as their real aims the criminalization of trade union activity and the intimidation for the workers. ...
The “wave” of authoritarianism will break on the “breakwater” of the people’s resistance

Dec 20, 2013

The judicial sentencing of the communist trade unionist Sotiris Zarianopoulos, member of the Executive Secretariat of the All-workers’ Militant Front (PAME) and of Anna Anianadou, cadre of PAME in the sector of the mass media and journalist of the newspaper of the CC of the KKE, “Rizospastis”, ...
Organized working class-people’s struggle against the intensification of the repression, authoritarianism and the judicial persecutions

Dec 19, 2013

Organized working class-people’s struggle against the intensification of the repression, authoritarianism and the judicial persecutions
The KKE wants to inform the communist parties, the working class and the popular forces as a whole that in the recent period in Greece the state, governmental and employer offensive has escalated against the class-oriented trade union movement, the forces of the All-workers’ Militant Front ...
Vulgar Anticommunism

Dec 19, 2013

It is well known that the EU has elevated anticommunism to the status of being its official policy and ideology, spearheaded by the vulgar anti-historical equation of communism with fascism-Nazism. The EU Parliament has its own discrete role in the promotion of the anti-communist vulgarity. ...
Déclaration commune

Dec 19, 2013

Réunis lors du colloque tenu à Paris à l’initiative de l’URCF les partis communistes et ouvriers soussignés ont tenu à faire la déclaration suivante : Le monde capitaliste est confronté à une crise profonde qui apporte la pauvreté, des tourmentes, la misère et le chômage à la classe ouvrière et ...
Zur Rolle der Europäischen Linkspartei

Dec 18, 2013

Die sogenannte „Europäische Linkspartei“ führte ihren Kongress vom 13. bis zum 15.12.2013 durch. Sowohl bei den Thesen zum Kongress als auch bei anderen Stellungnahmen versucht diese Partei mit einer ausgearbeiteten Kunstfertigkeit, falsche Erwartungen zu wecken. ...
Sur la création et les objectifs de l’Initiative Communiste

Dec 17, 2013

Discours de Kostas Papadakis, membre du Secrétariat du Comité Central du PC de Grèce (KKE) et de la Section des Relations Internationales Camarades, L’Initiative des Partis Communistes et Ouvriers d’Europe pour l’étude et l’élaboration des sujets européens et la coordination de leur action ...
1914-2014 : un siècle de trahison de la social-démocratie, un siècle de lutte pour la révolution et le communisme

Dec 17, 2013

Discours de Kostas Papadakis, membre du Secrétariat du Comité Central du Parti Communiste de Grèce, Section des Relations Internationales Chers camarades, chères amies et amis, Nous considérons comme très importante l’initiative de l’URCF d’organiser ce cycle de discussion sur des questions ...
Lenin even fallen down points the way forwards

Dec 13, 2013

Comment of the International Relations Section of the CC of the KKE on current issues The images of the demonstrators in Kiev, of the far-right, pro-Nazi Svoboda party, tearing down the statue of Lenin were shown all over the world. ...