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We are strengthening the ranks of the collective, organized struggle, with the KKE in the forefront

On Saturday afternoon, 15 March, the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the KKE, Dimitris Koutsoumbas, addressed the meeting of the sectoral organizations of the Attica party organization of the KKE, under the slogan "It's either their profits or our lives! - On the path of struggle, so that life can win...With the KKE until the overthrow!" The stadium where the speech was held was flooded with people of all ages.
In his speech, Dimitris Koutsoumbas noted among other things:
In the pages of the workers' and people's movement history of our country it can be written in big letters that on 28 February 2025, on the two-year anniversary of the crime in Tempe, the biggest strike that this country has seen for decades took place!
All of you, workers of different sectors in Attica, can be proud, not only because you shared the pulse and vitality of the great strike rally, but above all because you contributed to its success with your determination and perseverance, despite all the obstacles.
In the end, after all that has happened, who has been proved right? Those who supported Greece's participation in the war, or the KKE, that spoke of an imperialist, i.e. unjust war and called on the Greek people not to choose a side between two bandits, but to stand on the side of the peoples of Russia and Ukraine, oppressed by their governments and sent to the slaughterhouses of war?
Now the big words about "victory for Ukraine" have been followed by recommendations for a "just peace", because the "sheriff of the city" has also changed. Of course, New Democracy, PASOK and SYRIZA have forgotten their supposedly "principled position" against any revisionism in the case of Syria, since only a few months ago they were unanimously hailing the fall of Assad...
The KKE's proposal is realistic first of all because it is in the interests of the people and serves the working class. The peoples never reach an impasse when they decide to live in dignity for themselves and their children and to go all the way to the final victory.
Yes, this is the responsibility of the KKE, to go all the way to the revolutionary overthrow of the exploitative, capitalist system, to the establishment of a real workers - people's power and government that will lead the construction of a new society in Greece, without exploitation of man by man, the society of socialism - communism.
We are extending our hand to all. We are organizing a broad, organized political campaign. We are strengthening the ranks of the collective, organized struggle, with the KKE in the forefront.