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The distrust in the government should turn into an unyielding struggle and joint action with the KKE

The expected motion of no-confidence was tabled in Parliament on 25 March by PASOK President N. Androulakis against the government, whose “actions are the pinnacle of criminal incompetence”, as he put it. The motion was supported by all the social democratic parties (PASOK, SYRIZA, New Left, Course of Freedom).
The KKE, with the statement of the General Secretary of the CC of the KKE in the Parliament, made it clear that the KKE will support the motion of no confidence in the government, stressing that its distrust in the New Democracy government is shown every day, first of all in the streets and in the struggles of the people and the youth. He also stressed that the solution for the people is not the restoration of the decayed and corrupt political scene, which the whole system is attempting on the basis of false dilemmas, in order to rebrand it in the consciousness of the people.
“The solution is to consolidate the people’s distrust both of the government and of the policy it implements, of the strategic choices it makes on behalf of the ruling class. Distrust in general towards the system of exploitation.
This distrust must turn into an organized, unyielding struggle and joint action with the KKE, for the real and radical overthrow of this system. The only thing that the staffs of the system fear is the people’s struggle, which must not be co-opted into the system, become a passive sit-by-and-watch attitude or lead to further disillusionment and dashing of hopes, but it must take on radical characteristics and meet with the political proposal for a way out of the KKE. This is where hope lies,” he stressed.
“We have confidence in the power of the organized collective struggle, in the power of the workers’–people’s movement to determine the developments in its favour. We have confidence in our right cause, in the struggle for a new organization of the economy and society, where our lives will not be considered as a cost. Where the satisfaction of the needs of the people and the society will be the only motive for the development of the economy, where the capitalist profit will be abolished and the power will be in the hands of the people.
Where the large factories, the infrastructure will be owned by society, and where all the existing productive potential of the country will be developed through the scientific central planning of the economy for the benefit of the people and not for the profit of a handful of parasites.
Looking ahead, we are determined to fight all the struggles that are currently underway. The people will have the last word, even in this heinous crime you have committed, the tragedy of Tempe, with the 57 innocent souls who continue to seek vindication,” concluded Dimitris Koutsoumbas.
It should be noted that at the same time, tens of thousands of demonstrators held a mass demonstration in front of the Parliament, following the call of the trade unions, under the slogan: “Their profits or our lives”. Similar demonstrations took place in dozens of cities across Greece.