In a statement on the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the Press Office of the CC of the KKE stressed, among other things, that:

“Those who are waging war to redivide the world, those who will spend over 800 billion euros on new murderous armaments, those who are leading the exploitation of European and other peoples, are the same ones who are financing a new wave of deportations and modern concentration camps outside the EU for the victims of these wars and exploitation. (...)

Today, there are more than 870,000 immigrants and refugees living in our country. Due to critical staff shortages in the relevant state services, more than 290,000 applications for the granting and renewal of residence permits are pending. The number of thousands of undocumented immigrants and refugees living and working in Greece is unknown. The vast majority of these people are an integral part of the working class and they face the same anti-people policies as the Greek workers. They produce, together with the Greek workers, the wealth of this country and create the immense profits of a few capitalists. At the same time, however, they face all kinds of unfair discrimination in terms of wages, access to health and education, in terms of securing even their basic rights.

Greek and foreign workers have the same interests. Racism is the poison used by the bosses and their fascist - far-right henchmen to “divide and conquer”, to suspend the common struggles for life and work with rights.

However, the peoples have valuable experience and have the power to isolate racism, fascism, far-right and nationalist ideas, discrimination of all kinds, through their common struggle for their rights, for the future and for the life they deserve. The peoples are the real protagonists and it is certain, historically necessary and more timely than ever before, that they will put their stamp on historical evolution, and one day build their own society, holding the keys to power and the economy, in a world of solidarity and peace, socialism.”

