Empty Blustering

The bargaining between the SYRIZA-ANEL coalition government and the staff of the EU officially began on 30/1, when J. Dijsselbloem, the Eurogroup President, visited Athens.

In his meeting with the Prime Minister, A. Tsipras, and the Finance Minsiter, G. Varoufakis, the new government's dedication to the competitiveness of capital, the balanced budgets, the primary surpluses and the restructuring was confirmed.
At the same time, the more general antagonisms of capital manifested themselves more intensely. The formulation of J. Dijsselbloem was characteristic in response to the position regarding an "international conference" about the Greek state debt, when he stated that the "conference has a name, it is the Eurogroup". In other words, he stated that whatever decisions are taken will be taken at the level of the EU without interventions from other sides, such as the IMF, for example.
On its part, the Greek government says that the main issue is that it will cease to speak with the Troika's employees and will communicate directly with the creditors.
In its comment, the Press Office of the CC of the KKE notes that: "Our people bled in the previous years, because the 'reforms", the "competitiveness" of capital and the "balanced budgets" with "primary surpluses", which are being repeated today by the new Finance Minister, demanded it. And the people will continue to bleed, regardless of whether the government talks to the heads of the EU Commission, European Central Bank and IMF or with their employees."

Sanctions against Russia

In its statement on the decisions of the EU Foreign Affairs Council's extraordinary meeting in relation with the sanctions against Russia, the Press Office of the CC of the KKE notes the following:

"In the end, the blustering of the new SYRIZA-ANEL government and the new Foreign Minister against the EU on the issue of Ukraine lasted three days, because on the fourth day it aligned with the EU and voted for the same sanctions against Russia that the previous ND-PASOK government had done, with the door open for others soon.

As much as they try to turn reality on its head and talk about the "success" of Greek diplomacy, the essence is that the new Greek government signed up to a decision that is fully integrated into the aggressive plans of the EU-USA-NATO in Ukraine and in the framework of the competition with Russia for the control of the region's markets and energy resources, with the peoples as the victims, including the Greek people as well.".

Sanctions against Russia

In its statement on the decisions of the EU Foreign Affairs Council's extraordinary meeting in relation with the sanctions against Russia, the Press Office of the CC of the KKE notes the following:


“In the end, the blustering of the new SYRIZA-ANEL government and the new Foreign Minister against the EU on the issue of Ukraine lasted three days, because on the fourth day it aligned with the EU and voted for the same sanctions against Russia that the previous ND-PASOK government had done, with the door open for others soon.


As much as they try to turn reality on its head and talk about the “success” of Greek diplomacy, the essence is that the new Greek government signed up to a decision that is fully integrated into the aggressive plans of the EU-USA-NATO in Ukraine and in the framework of the competition with Russia for the control of the region’s markets and energy resources, with the peoples as the victims, including the Greek people as well.”.