Message of support of the Communist Youth Organizations

We denounce the violence, repression and the arrests of university students during the antiwar – anti-imperialist demonstration in Athens on April 16th

We denounce the Greek government of SYRIZA-ANEL for the orgy of violence and repression launched against the high school and university students that were demonstrating against the new imperialist crime in Syria. The pretext for this barbaric attack against the protestors was their effort to symbolically demolish the statue of Harry Truman.

No one should forget that Harry Truman was one of the biggest criminals of imperialism in the 20th century. He was the US president that ordered the detonation of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki with more than 200.000 immediate deaths and millions of victims in the years that followed. He was the US president that launched the cold war, the one that ordered the attack against the people of Korea in 1950.

The violence of the security authorities led to the severe injury of six young people, while the police proceeded to the arrest of two militants who are now dragged to a trial based on false and unfounded indictment.

We denounce the SYRIZA-ANEL government since it suppresses the young people in Greece who struggle against the imperialist war, while it promotes the imperialist plans of the USA/NATO in the region of Eastern Mediterranean, Middle East and the Balkans. It bears tremendous responsibilities since it cedes our country’s territory for both old and new military bases of NATO and the USA, from where they launch murderous attacks against the peoples of the region.

We express solidarity with the struggle of the Greek people and youth that struggle against the country’s participation in the imperialist-war plans of NATO/USA/EU.

We demand the immediate acquittal of the two militants that are wrongfully accused.

List of the Communist Youth Organizations that sign the Message of Support

  1. Communist Youth of Albania “QemalStafa”
  2. Communist Youth of Algerian Party For democracy and Socialism, JC – PADS
  3. Bangladesh Youth Union, BYU
  4. Bangladesh Students Union, BSU
  5. Communist Youth of Bolivia, JCB
  6. Communist Youth Union, UJC – Brazil
  7. Young Socialists of Socialist Workers Party of Croatia
  8. United Democratic Youth Organisation, EDON - Cyprus
  9. Communist Youth Union, KSM – Czech Republic
  10. Communist Youth of Denmark, UngKom
  11. Communist Youth of Ecuador, JCE
  12. Union of Communist Youth, UJC – France
  13. Communist Youth of Lyon – France
  14. Socialist German Workers Youth, SDAJ
  15. Communist Youth of Guatemala, JCG
  16. Connolly Youth Movement, CYM – Ireland
  17. Front of Communist Youth, FGC – Italy
  18. Jordanian Democratic Youth Union, UJDY
  19. Communist Youth of Jordan
  20. Socialist Movement of Kazakhstan
  21. Union of Lebanese Democratic Youth, ULDY
  22. Federation of Young Communists, FJC – Mexico
  23. Communist Youth Movement, CJB – Netherlands
  24. Young Communists of Norway, UngKom
  25. Democratic Students Federation – Pakistan
  26. Communist Youth of Pakistan
  27. Youth of Palestinian People Party, PPP youth
  28. Peruvian Communist Youth, JCP
  29. Youth of Communist Party of Poland
  30. Portuguese Communist Youth, JCP
  31. Revolutionary Communist Youth League (Bolsheviks), RKSMb – Russia
  32. Leninist Communist Youth Union of Russian Federation, LKSM RF
  33. Young Communist League of Yugoslavia, SKOJ – Serbia
  34. Young Communist League of South Africa, YCLSA
  35. Collectives of Young Communists, CJC – Spain
  36. Communist Youth Union of Spain, UJCE
  37. Socialist Youth Union, SYU – Sri Lanka
  38. Syrian Communist Youth Union – Khaled Bakdash Youth, SCYU-KBY
  39. Communist Youth of Turkey, TKG
  40. League of Young Communists USA, LYCUSA
  41. Communist Youth of Venezuela, JCV

Message of support of the Communist Youth Organizations
